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Riverdale Kenshikai Karate
Ken Shi Kai calligraphy
Riverdale Kenshikai Karate
is a traditional Japanese style of karate that offers a comprehensive program of physical fitness, self defense, and meditation.
The goal of Kenshikai Karate is the physical, mental, and spiritual growth of its students. Kenshikai is designed for men and women of all ages who are interested in improving themselves and the quality of their lives. This article, originally printed in the New York Times, discusses some of the extra possible benefits of the discipline learned in the study of Karate.

At Riverdale Kenshikai Karate, the competition is with yourself, not with others. Our goal is that each day you train your hardest, slowly pushing your own limitations, so that when you leave you are a little better than when you arrived.

We offer a flexible schedule
of both children's (ages 4–15) and adult (ages 16 and up) classes.

Classes are conveniently scheduled in the late afternoon (for children), early evening (for adults) during the week and on weekends in the morning and afternoon for both children and adults.

Feel free to stop by and observe a class. We also invite you to try a FREE CLASS before you decide to enroll. We don't require you to sign any contracts; fees are paid on a monthly basis.

Reiki sessions are also offered at the school. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm and Saturday from 3:30pm to 6:30pm with Tahnee.

Riverdale Kenshikai
3607 Fieldston Road
Riverdale, NY 10463
(718) 601-3607
2023 Kagami Biraki

Our school is owned and operated by Shuseki Shihan Paul Sookdar, a 7th-degree black belt who has studied karate for over 30 years.