Tips for using the Individual Payment Form:
(It's really very easy if you follow a few simple guidelines)
- *Note! Be sure to enter the student's name and member number.
(Found on their member cards)
- To pay for 3 months at a time and receive the additional 5% discount,, be sure to fill out the appropriate box in the Tuition form.
Increasing the Qty to 3 in the Paypal Shopping Cart will not result in the 3 month discount!
- Before your transaction is complete you will have an opportunity to enter a text message to accompany your payment.
To assist with processing your payment:
- Enter the most recent date stamped on the member card
e.g. Homer Simpson - 9/14/02
- the dates you believe this payment should cover
e.g. This should apply to 11/14 - 12/14/02
- any other note you think would be helpful.
e.g. I was out of the Dojo from 10/14 to 11/14/02
(If you are not sure what dates you are paying for, or if this would become extremely complex, leave this blank and the Front desk staff will work it out with you. OSU!)
- You will also have an opportunity to cancel before making the payment.
The next time you are in the Dojo, the front desk staff will review your payment with you
before stamping your card and updating your member records.
If you have any questions about using this form please don't hesitate to ask for assistance at the front desk.
Thank you! OSU!